
Time Management

"PHD Life is all about self-motivation .. treat it like a day job. Set strick working hours and study activities, and if you don't complete them in the time alloted then do as you would as a good employee - work overtime" - Duggi Zuram

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sequential Monte Cralo Particle Filtering

Arnaud Doucet, Nando de Freitas, and Neil Gordon

Little background on SMC.

Monte Carlo Method originally known as ‘method of statistical sampling’


  • Estimating unknown quantities from given observations. I.e.: Prior knowledge available.
  • Able to formulate Bayesian Model which is the prior distribution for the unknown quantities and the likelihood function relating these quantities to the observations.
  • Inferences on the unknown quantities are made from the posterior distribution obtained from Bayes’ Theorem.
  • Often observations arrive sequentially in time and able to perform inference on-line. Therefore necessary to update the posterior distribution as data become available.
  • Goal: Computational simplicity allows not having to store all data.
  • Example
    • Data model using linear Gaussian state space: derive the posterior distribution using Kalman Filter.
    • Data model using partially observed state space Markov Chain: obtained analytical solution using Hidden Markov Model HMM Filter
  • Estimation method such as Kalman Filter and Gaussian sum approximation is based on normal distribution fail to cover the non-Gaussianity and nonlinearity. While Grid-based filter based on deterministic numerical integration method is too computationally expensive to be used in high dimension.


  • Able to handle very complex data, typically involving non-Gaussianity, nonlinearity which condition usually preclude analytic solution.
  • Flexible, easy to implement, parallelizable and applicable in very general setting.
  • Closely related algorithm: bootstrap filters, condensation, particle filters, Monte Carlo filters, interacting particle approximations, and survival of the fittest.

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